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UGotClass: Supervisory & Leadership Certificate

Course number : 1050033   ID : 21249    Section Number : 02N
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Learn@Home: Online, on your own time
Your employees are your most valuable resources. Ensuring the efficiency of your team is the key to your success and is your most important responsibility. Get practical, easy to understand, and insightful methods for new and even experienced supervisors and managers. Learn about effective delegation, performance management, and writing performance reviews. Discuss the specifics of the supervisor''s role and responsibilities, and strategies for improving your overall effectiveness as a leader. Take home practical information along with tips and techniques that can be applied at your job immediately. Agenda Unit 1: The Role of the Supervisor: Understanding your roles and responsibilities. What are the Four Functions of Management? Defining Planning. Defining Organization. Defining Controlling. Defining Leading and Motivating. How do the four functions help you manage more effectively? Identifying which of the four functions is your strength. Identifying which of the four functions you should improve and why. Unit 2: The Role of the Supervisor - Conclusion: Application of the Planning function and your benefits. Application of the Organizing function and your benefits. Application of the Controlling function and your benefits. Application of the Leading and Motivating function and your benefits. Measuring the outcomes of application of the Four Functions of Management. Unit 3: Delegation and Employee Engagement: The multiple benefits of delegation. Identifying your specific benefits. Myths and barriers of delegation. Identifying your specifics barriers. Understanding the distinction between delegating a task and delegating responsibility. How delegation increases employee job satisfaction. How delegation increases employee retention and skill sets. Unit 4: Delegation and Employee Engagement - Conclusion: Understanding the Delegation Model. How to translate the steps of the model to specific language and behaviors. Creating your own delegation script. Application of the Delegation Model. Measuring the outcomes of your delegation. Unit 5: Performance Management: Defining performance management. Understanding the difference between behavior and attitude. Identifying and interpreting employee behavior. Translating performance into actionable behaviors that can be addressed. Holding employees accountable for performance, job responsibilities. How employee expectations can be undermined by your actions. The problem with value judgments and why the “why” doesn’t matter. How to determine when you are putting your comfort above employee performance. Understanding how performance is reinforced passively. Understanding how performance is reinforced actively. Unit 6: Performance Management – Conclusion: Understanding the Performance Management Model. Review and analysis of case studies. Application of the Performance Management Model. Measuring the outcomes of your performance management. Unit 7: Writing and Delivering Performance Reviews: Elements of the performance review. Review and discussion of subjective and objective evaluation of performance. The problems with evaluating performance subjectively. How to evaluate performance objectively. Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of job performance. Providing performance feedback. How to cite performance factors and behaviors. Unit 8: Writing and Delivering Performance Reviews - Conclusion: Communication skills and techniques. Getting employee commitment and buy-in. Monitoring and maintaining employee progress. Application of the skills and techniques for writing a performance review. Application of the skills and techniques for delivering a performance review. Measuring the outcomes of your writing and delivery of a review.

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Class Details

Online 24/7

NA - Online

CEUs : 3.2



Please read:  Learn@Home: Online, on your own time - This class is 100% online. You do not need to be on your computer or device at a specific day or time. Reliable internet access and a computer are required. You will receive information via email on how to access your online classroom.



Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
4/7/2025 - 5/30/2025 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM N/A - Online

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