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Nonprofit Administration & Management Program - Level 2 (127) Information

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NOVA Workforce offers numerous programs to provide you with focused training in specific areas. This training allows you to develop new skills or enhance skills to become more productive on your job. Our career-oriented programs provide updated skills in high-tech areas and business management. As skills are gained, you develop a competitive spirit to seek advancement in the workplace. Invest in yourself today to advance your career tomorrow.    

In the DC area, nearly 15% of the workforce is employed at nonprofit organizations. Working for a nonprofit organization can be fulfilling for those interested in the arts, community, philanthropy, and other important causes, but special knowledge and skills are needed. To successfully complete the Level 2 program series, you must take the six required courses.  

Please refer to the Student Checklist to keep track of your program completion status.

Required Courses (6 Required Courses):
  • Building and Developing a Successful Board  (1070015)
  • Strategic Leadership Practices for Nonprofit Organizations  (1070018)
  • Nonprofit Planning and Evaluation  (1070019)
  • A Guide to Nonprofit Event Planning  (1070007)
  • The 3 R's of Volunteers: Recruitment, Retention, & Recognition (1070004)
  • Advanced Grant Writing: Mastering the Yes  (1070020)

Program Details

Classes offered: 6
Classes required for completion: 6
Mandatory Classes: 6
Classes in this Program may be taken in any order.

Courses Available for this Program

A nonprofit fundraising event can truly be fun to plan and organize, particularly when it pays off in real dividends to your charity, PTA, church, or other nonp ......(more)
In this course, take your grant writing skills to the next level.  This course is designed for those with grant writing experience, and as a follow-up to “ ......(more)
To fulfill its mission, a nonprofit needs a strong board.  This workshop is designed to support and enhance the board development process for nonprofits an ......(more)
In this course, we will discuss the who, why, when and how of program evaluation.  Participants will learn how to create an evaluation strategy, including ......(more)
Serving as a successful leader for a nonprofit organization of any kind requires a well-developed and managed strategy.  It is key to an organization’s per ......(more)
The value of volunteers to a nonprofit becomes even more important in tough economic times. Learn how to use volunteers more effectively, and make the volunteer ......(more)

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