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Personal Interest & Enrichment >> STRIVE
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STRIVE – Classes for Students with Learning Disabilities

The STRIVE Program provides opportunities for young adults with learning disabilities to transition from school to post-secondary training, employment and successful community living. All classes listed change in content each semester so students can participate regularly. Students will be required to cover the cost of entrance/activity fees. Each course includes highly recommended parent meetings.
Please check your class schedule for location information. Classes are held online via Zoom, in person, or in a hybrid format.
Instruction Modes: Four Options for Workforce Classes
Look for these colors indicating the instruction mode.
Learn@Home Learn@Home: Instructor-led, Live via Zoom   Learn on Campus Learn on Campus: In-Person   
 Learn@Home & On Campus (Hybrid - Instructor-led)   Learn@Home: Online, on your own time

Click 'Show All' below to see a complete list of classes. Click on the class title to see the class description.



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