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These classes prepare you to sit for industry certification exams.
Please check your class schedule for location information. Classes are held online via Zoom, in person, or in a hybrid format.
Instruction Modes: Four Options for Workforce Classes
Look for these colors indicating the instruction mode.
Learn@Home Learn@Home: Instructor-led, Live via Zoom   Learn on Campus Learn on Campus: In-Person   
 Learn@Home & On Campus (Hybrid - Instructor-led)   Learn@Home: Online, on your own time

Click 'Show All' below to see a complete list of classes. Click on the class title to see the class description.


Class ID: 21520

Start date: 02/18/25

Tuition: $6,000.00

Section Number: 33N

Schedule : Multiple Class Schedules:   Lecture: Weekly - Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM; 4 sessions starting 2/18/2025, ending 2/21/2025. 
   Lecture: Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM; 12 sessions starting 2/24/2025, ending 3/13/2025. <

Location: Multiple Location : 
  NOVA Annandale (CT)
  CDL Training Range Annandale.

Room : Multiple  Room : 

Please read: Learn On-Campus and Off-Campus: In ...More

To register email

Class ID: 21521

Start date: 03/17/25

Tuition: $6,000.00

Section Number: 34N

Schedule : Multiple Class Schedules:   Lecture: Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM; 4 sessions starting 3/17/2025, ending 3/20/2025. 
   Lecture: Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM; 12 sessions starting 3/24/2025, ending 4/10/2025. <

Location: Multiple Location : 
  NOVA Annandale (CT)
  CDL Training Range Annandale.

Room : Multiple  Room : 

Please read: Learn On-Campus and Off-Campus: In ...More

To register email

Class ID: 21523

Start date: 04/14/25

Tuition: $6,000.00

Section Number: 36N

Schedule : Multiple Class Schedules:   Lecture: Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM; 4 sessions starting 4/14/2025, ending 4/17/2025. 
   Lecture: Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM; 12 sessions starting 4/21/2025, ending 5/8/2025. <

Location: Multiple Location : 
  NOVA Annandale (CT)
  CDL Training Range Annandale.

Room : Multiple  Room : 

Please read: Learn On-Campus and Off-Campus: In ...More

To register email

Class ID: 21519

Start date: 01/25/25

Tuition: $6,000.00

Section Number: 32N

Schedule : Multiple Class Schedules:   Lecture: Weekly - Sat, Sun 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM; 4 sessions starting 1/25/2025, ending 2/2/2025. 
   Lecture: Weekly - Sat, Sun 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM; 12 sessions starting 2/8/2025, ending 3/16/2025. <

Location: Multiple Location : 
  NOVA Annandale (CT)
  CDL Training Range Annandale.

Room : Multiple  Room : 

Please read: Learn On-Campus and Off-Campus: In ...More


Class ID: 21522

Start date: 03/22/25

Tuition: $6,000.00

Section Number: 35N

Schedule : Multiple Class Schedules:   Lecture: Weekly - Sat, Sun 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM; 4 sessions starting 3/22/2025, ending 3/30/2025. 
   Lecture: Weekly - Sat, Sun 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM; 12 sessions starting 4/5/2025, ending 5/11/2025. <

Location: Multiple Location : 
  NOVA Annandale (CT)
  CDL Training Range Annandale.

Room : Multiple  Room : 

Please read: Learn On-Campus and Off-Campus: In ...More

To register email

Class ID: 21502

Start date: 01/18/25

Tuition: $1,650.00

Section Number: 31W

Schedule : Weekly - Sat 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM; 7 sessions; starting 1/18/2025, ending 3/1/2025

Location: NOVA Woodbridge (WAC) Location : 
  NOVA Woodbridge (WAC).

Please read: Learn on Campus: In Person - Class ...More

For information email

Class ID: 21504

Start date: 03/08/25

Tuition: $1,650.00

Section Number: 32W

Schedule : Weekly - Sat 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM; 7 sessions; starting 3/8/2025, ending 4/19/2025

Location: NOVA Woodbridge (WAC) Location : 
  NOVA Woodbridge (WAC).

Please read: Learn on Campus: In Person - Class ...More

Class ID: 21524

Start date: 05/03/25

Tuition: $1,650.00

Section Number: 33W

Schedule : Weekly - Sat 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM; 7 sessions; starting 5/3/2025, ending 6/14/2025

Location: NOVA Woodbridge (WAC) Location : 
  NOVA Woodbridge (WAC).

Please read: Learn on Campus: In Person - Class ...More

Class ID: 21498

Start date: 02/22/25

Tuition: $4,299.00

Section Number: 31L

Schedule : Weekly - Sat 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM; 6 sessions; starting 2/22/2025, ending 3/29/2025

Location: NOVA Loudoun (LR) Location : 
  NOVA Loudoun (LR).

Room :  LR-119E

Please read: Learn on Campus: In Person - Class ...More

Class ID: 21500

Start date: 04/12/25

Tuition: $4,299.00

Section Number: 31M

Schedule : Weekly - Sat 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM; 6 sessions; starting 4/12/2025, ending 5/17/2025

Location: NOVA Manassas (MTS) Location : 
  NOVA Manassas (MTS).

Room :  MTS-114

Please read: Learn on Campus: In Person - Class ...More



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