NOVA Initiatives >> NOVAnext
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NOVAnext: Helping Displaced Federal Workers Transition to New Careers
NOVA helps unemployed federal workers and federal contractors quickly and effectively transition their talents to new careers through a new partnership called NOVAnext. Free of charge to eligible participants, the initiative enables workers to explore how their skills and experience can match in-demand jobs available in the region or gain the skills needed to start an enterprise. The courses listed in this category are free for eligible NOVAnext participants. Visit NOVAnext for more information
NOVA helps unemployed federal workers and federal contractors quickly and effectively transition their talents to new careers through a new partnership called NOVAnext. Free of charge to eligible participants, the initiative enables workers to explore how their skills and experience can match in-demand jobs available in the region or gain the skills needed to start an enterprise. The courses listed in this category are free for eligible NOVAnext participants. Visit NOVAnext for more information
Please check your class schedule for location information. Classes are held online via Zoom, in person, or in a hybrid format.
Instruction Modes: Four Options for Workforce Classes
Look for these colors indicating the instruction mode.
Learn@Home: Instructor-led, Live via Zoom
Learn on Campus: In-Person
Learn@Home & On Campus (Hybrid - Instructor-led)
Learn@Home: Online, on your own time
Instruction Modes: Four Options for Workforce Classes
Look for these colors indicating the instruction mode.

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