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HR Law, Recordkeeping, and Compliance

Course number : 1040023   ID : 21117    Section Number : 01E
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Learn@Home: Instructor-led, Live via Zoom and Canvas
It is critical to ensure that managers and supervisors understand how to be certain that day-to-day decisions do not violate the law or ethical standards. To mitigate civil penalties and criminal liability, employers must have standards and procedures in place to prevent and detect wrongdoing, including mandatory training for managers and supervisors.  How do performance evaluations, workplace conflicts, pay and promotion practices, and even job interviews end up sparking lawsuits? Even unfounded legal claims distract from organizational goals. This course introduces legal standards central to the HR function and essential recordkeeping and compliance practices to minimize risk. Explore racial, religious, gender, and disability discrimination, harassment, leave policies, recordkeeping, required accommodations, workplace investigations, retaliation claims, termination procedures, DOL and EEOC, and OSHA enforcement mechanisms. Become proficient at legal issue spotting and discuss possible interventions and practical solutions. Evolving legal standards and social media, sexual identity, and privacy rights will also be discussed. Textbook required.
You must attend 70% of all scheduled class hours, in addition to completing any other requirements set by the instructor, in order to pass the class and be awarded CEUs and a Certificate of Completion. This program is valid for 12 PDCs for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM.
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Class Details

4 Session(s)
Weekly - Wed

NOVA Workforce Online Class

Nicol Durant 

CEUs : 1.2



Please read:  Learn@Home: Instructor-led, Live via Zoom and CANVAS - Class meets in real-time via Zoom on the days and times listed on the class schedule. Your instructor will facilitate live online lectures and discussions. Reliable internet access and a Zoom-capable device are required. See Zoom Class Requirements for more details.

This class also requires the use of your myNOVA account and the CANVAS online classroom. Please follow these instructions on how to activate your myNOVA account before the first day of class: How to access myNOVA and Canvas

The Required Textbook: Human Resource Management, 16th Edition, will be available at the NOVA-Annandale campus bookstore or online: Select Annandale Campus.



Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
3/5/2025 - 3/26/2025 Weekly - Wed 06:00 PM - 09:00 PM VIRTUAL-ONLINE, NOVA Workforce Online Class  Map, Room: Online Nicol Durant  Lecture

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